{happy birthday, dear audrey!}

Photo by Betsy Watters

June 22, 2009

{Two years ago today, we welcomed sweet Audrey Faith into our family.}

photo by Jen Fox

The Kallin Four.

{June 2009}

I can hardly believe that my baby girl is two. Two years old! She has grown and changed so much in the last 5 months. No more pacifier, no more diapers, no more nursing, and as of two days ago no more crib. It is wonderful to be done with those things, but now I am faced with the reality that she really isn’t a baby anymore. She is growing up so much and she is so full of love, joy and energy. She is my little bird, singingย  constantly-in the car, to her baby, on the potty, at bedtime. She loves to sing and she loves to read. Books are one her most favorite things. She always has so much to say and loves learning new things. Audrey loves being around people, sometimes when it is just the four of us at dinner she will ask where everyone else is. She is super social, and always remembers the people that she meets and/or sees. One thing I LOVE about Audrey right now is that she asks to pray for different people we know all of the time. Several times a day she says “Dear God, ______.” As in she is starting a prayer and inserting the name of who she wants me to pray for. It is awesome. She is a super compassionate and thoughtful girl.ย  She also really loves to play outside, eat, go for walks, eat, play at the beach, eat, dance and eat. Really she does love eating, and she will eat just about anything I give her-which is such a blessing. I don’t know too many other toddlers who ask for more brussel sprouts and broccoli. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Her favorite are berries and coconut pancakes though. She loves her sister and they play together pretty well…most of the time. She is very very sensitive and acts personally offended when things do not go her way. She favorite line lately when she gets sad about anything is “hug mommy!!”.ย  Although, if I am having to reprimand her, she instantly wants her daddy. ๐Ÿ˜€ She loves to go for walks on our street with Scott & exercise with him at night. She is daddy’s girl. Just like Aliza at her age, her favorite thing to do on a daily basis is dance in costume to “That’s How You Know” from Enchanted.ย  It is pretty adorable. This is pretty scattered, partly because since I started writing this one hour ago, she has gotten out of bed five times. One of the times she went into Aliza’s room, slammed the door and turned on her light-while Aliza slept through the whole thing. Another time she came into my room and told me she was sleeping in daddy’s bed instead of hers. Hmm….maybe she wasn’t quite ready to be done with the crib. :/ Anyway, Happy Birthday Sweet Audrey! You make my heart smile, and I am so blessed by your life. Xoxo

photo by Jen Fox


{4 days old}

photo by Jen Fox

June 2010

{One year old}

June 22, 2011

{Birthday breakfast & Rapunzel dress}

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{wow, it has been way too long!}

These girls are growing up so fast.ย  They keep me so busy, needless to say…but it is hard for me to find time to blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Even now they are running around pretending to be in dance class and I am sure only moments away from calling me in to be the teacher. :/ We are having a blast and loving most every minute together. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, they are wonderful girls and such a blessing. We are really working on listening and obeying, but who doesn’t struggle with those things? Just becoming more aware of it and more consistent with consequences has made a huge difference.ย  They have super loving and sensitive hearts which I am so thankful for. Just a minute ago Aliza said “Mom, I am going to count to 1-2-3 and then we are going to look up to the sky and say WE LOVE YOU GOD! 10 times!” Love her. And we do love Him, He is blessing us so much through these little ladies.

Well, “dance class” has now moved into the laundry basket in my room and clothes are flying! I guess this is all for now! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Filed under aliza, Audrey, family

{happy birthday, aliza grace}

{photo by Jen Fox}

{Aliza Grace-Three years old.}

Happy Birthday to my beautiful first born daughter.ย  Aliza turned three yesterday. I remember when she was born that three seemed SO old, and SO very far off. Like everyone says, the time really has flown by, but it has not been a blur. I have so many memories with Aliza from the past few years that I will cherish forever. She is an amazing girl. It seems like if there is any time that is appropriate to gush about how wonderful she is to the general public, that her birthday would be the time! So here are a few highlights and things I love about Aliza right now…

She is compassionate and thoughtful. She genuinely cares about people and how they feel. She thinks about and prays for her friends and family all of the time. She has an amazing memory about special things she has done for and with other people. She loves to tell me who her best friends are, who she wants to marry, and who she loves to play with.ย  One of my favorite things she said to me the other day, after giving me the list of her friends was “Mom, do your friends hit you?” It just made me laugh inside because Aliza has so many little boy friends that play more rough than she usually likes to. She was so serious about it, like she was trying to prepare herself that she might have to endure that the rest of her life!

She loves her sister and is usually really happy to help with her and cheer her up.ย  If Aliza wants her own blanket and baby, she always makes sure Audrey has her special ones too. She loves to pick out matching clothes for them to wear, and to try and help Audrey get dressed. They are really sweet to each other and can’t go to bed without giving each other a big kiss!

She is funny. Aliza tries to make us laugh all of the time, and is usually quite successful! She loves making silly faces and saying random things. She will intentionally call us or others by the wrong name just to be silly.

She thinks her daddy can do anything. Aliza is such a daddy’s girl. The way she talks about Scott is so precious. If anything is ever broken, no matter what it is, she says don’t worry, daddy can fix it. She is convinced that he can do anything and that he is the strongest person around. Sometimes she asks me why I am not strong like daddy. They have the best time together just playing. Every night at bed time he sings her the same songs and they have a sweet little routine. She loves to call him during the day when he is at work, and send him pictures of what she is doing through out the day. She knows she is important and adored by him.

She has a lot of attitude, and is quite independent. She loves to learn to do things on her own-like getting dressed, going potty, bathing, putting on her shoes, getting her own water,ย  brushing her teeth etc…Once she has mastered the skill, it is rare that I ever get the chance to help again. Even though she is such a spunky girl, I see the soft side of her coming out more and more. Sometimes she has more attitude than I know what to do with, but I guess that is to be expected!

She has a heart inclined to love the Lord. She loves to read her Jesus Story Book Bible. Anytime I ask her what she wants to talk about she says “Jesus”, or “Jesus dying on the cross”, or “Jesus and God”. The other day we were laying on the deck watching the clouds and she told me Jesus was her best friend and God was her favorite person to play with. I asked her what they played togetherย  and she told me “hide and seek and that God hides in the clouds and in Heaven.” Dueteronomy 33:26 says “There is no one like the God of Israel, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty.”ย  She had never heard that verse, and I had never talked with her about the many times in Scripture God shows himself in clouds. I just think that is amazing and sweet. A couple of weeks ago, she was asking me why Jesus died on the cross, and as I was telling her why, I told her that because of that, all we have to do is ask and Jesus will be in our hearts. She said, “Mom, He is already in my heart.” In the last week when she prays at dinner time and bedtime she prays for God to be in her heart and for God to have a good night. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love it. Today, instead of nap time, I told her she could just take a quiet time in her room and read books. She said, “oh good, so I can go read my Bible!”

She loves to dance. Her favorite songs are You Give Love a Bad Name, Bye Bye Bye, I’m Yours, I Gotta Feelin’ and Hosanna. ๐Ÿ™‚ She always tells me the first three songs are her and Caleb’s favorite.ย  We have a little dance party most everyday, it is usually the highlight of the day. Aliza has some pretty crazy dance moves, I think I will blame Scott for that. Thankfully his dad gave Aliza dance classes for her birthday gift! ๐Ÿ™‚

She loves to help. I love when I ask her to help with something and she responds with and enthusiastic “of course!” She likes to help cook, feed Audrey, put away dishes and pick up her toys…most of the time.

She loves her family. She is so blessed with amazing Aunties, Uncles, cousins, Grandmas and Grandpas and extended in-law family! She had a individual relationship with each of them and she remembers what they like and dislike. It is pretty sweet.

She tells us she loves us, all the time. She is also really good at saying ‘thank you’ unprovoked. Even though she loves to do things on her own, if she is really sleepy or sad, she asks me to help or do things for her. Sometimes I think to myself that I should have her do it, because she is capable…but then I decide that she is three and just because she can do it, doesn’t mean she has to do it alone. Every time that I have had that little thought process, I pick her up to help her out and she wraps her arms around me and says “I love you mommy!” She isn’t being manipulative, and I think she is truly feeling loved and cared for.

And of course, she is brilliant. She can count to 100, sing her ABC’s and tons of other songs, she knows her shapes and colors. She loves to read books, and has most of hers memorized. She knows her address and all the streets we take to get home. She remembers who of our friends live in each city/town nearby.ย  She is good at problem solving and trying to make things work. She is creative and artistic. I am so looking forward to homeschooling her for preschool starting this Fall. We are going to have a blast!

The last few weeks she has been asking me about the day that she was born. I have told her the story probably 5 or 6 times now. Yesterday on her birthday, she asked me again, but I suggested she tell it to me. With a little prompting, she remembered all of the important details from the day. It was really sweet to hear it coming from her. That day changed my life

Aliza Grace, you have lived up to the meaning of your name. Joyful not only describes you, but what you have brought into our lives and our families. You are such a treasured gift. I am so thankful to be your Mommy. I am so glad that it only took you two and a half years to decide that snuggling is okay. I love spending time with you and hearing your thoughts. Thank you for being such a reminder of God’s love and His grace to me everyday. I love you Babe.

Here are a few photos of how we celebrated this past week...

Eating her gluten free, dairy free delicious chocolate cake!

Trying on her new coat and slippers from Nana at their joint birthday party.
Trying out her new baseball glove and ball from Auntie Renee.
Jump Around with her friends!
Beach time @ Grammy Liz's house.

Trying on her favorite birthday outfit and boots from special friends!
Birthday breakfast complete with all of her favorites,
"flat egg", bacon, sausage and pancakes.
Enjoying the Street festival and getting ready to pick blackberries.

Birthday dessert, fresh blackberry crisp.

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{Happy Birthday, Sweet Baby Girl}

ย Photo credit goes to the fabulous Jen Fox . We adore you!

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{11 months & a dedication}

I am so behind! Audrey is going to be one year old in nine days!ย  I thought I’d better get this up before it was too late.ย  Today was actually a really special day for us and for Audrey. We had her dedicated at our church with many friends and family there. Scott and I wrote out vows to Audrey about the kind of parents we aspire to be. It was wonderful to have our amazing support system there to share this precious day with us and pray over Audrey. Both the girls were a little restless, but overall it went great. Thank you again each person that came today! We love you all.ย  This is the prayer that I prayed for Audrey today, and plan to pray it for her many more times throughout her life. Most of it is from The Power of a Praying Parent, by Stormie Omartian.

“May Audrey not be a follower of anyone but You, but may she be a leader of people into your kingdom. Help her to grow into a complete understanding of her authority in Jesus, while retaining a submissive, gentle and humble spirit.ย  May the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control grow in her daily. May she find her identity in You, view herself as your instrument and know that she is complete in You. Please give her vision for her life when setting goals and a sense of purpose about what you’ve called her to do. May she be convinced that Your thoughts toward her are of love and peace.”

Here is Audrey at 11 months, I think she is starting to look more like her daddy. ๐Ÿ™‚

June 13, 2010

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{10 months}

Beautiful, sweet, happy girl. I love you.

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Aliza and Gwen having a Tea party. I just love Gwen’s hair curlers. ๐Ÿ™‚

Helping with dishes after the Tea party.

Gwen, Aliza and Vincent playing dress up. Poor Vincent, we don’t have any good boy costumes…

Apparently this is me. Scott drew the head and Aliza made the eyes, nose and mouth! What an artist. ๐Ÿ™‚ She is just learning how to draw faces, I love it!

When it was time for Isaac to leave Aliza grabbed his boots and coat and put them on herself and said “No Isaac go bye bye!”

Aliza and Levi at Hovander

At Birch Bay last Sunday.

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{nine months}

Audrey is now three quarters of a year old! That is just crazy to me. She has had a big month though. She got her first tooth and is working on the second one. She learned to wave, blow kisses, and has slept through the night the past three nights! (That I am very excited about! It is crazy for me to wake up at 5:30am and not have to go back to sleep because I feel rested!) She has also learned to go from laying down to sitting up by herself, to pull herself up to standing, and has started saying “Nana”, “bye bye” and “ball”. Pretty amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚ She is just as sweet as ever and we just adore her. Last night before bed Aliza was kissing Audrey’s head and said “I could kiss you all day Audrey!” So very precious.

Audrey and Mama at Birch Bay last Sunday. We took advantage of the hour it didn’t rain and played at the beach!

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{two and a half years}

This girl. So much personality. Aliza Grace is now two and a half years old!

This picture shows it so clearly, her love for being a creative, cute, girly princess. And then there is the attitude. She only wants pictures taken on her terms these days. It seems as though any time she asks me to take one, she has bed head and food on her face. We have a lot of those pictures! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love it though and was recently inspired to tell her all the more how beautiful she is in those moments instead of when she dresses up and expects to be told. When she puts on a dress, or plans out what she wants to wear, she will say something like “daddy say Aliza beautiful!” or “Auntie Bets say wow!”.

Aliza is counting to 20, singing her ABC’s, loves playing hide and seek, playing with her friends, cousins and sister, taking care of Mimi, coloring, painting, playing outside, and riding her tricycle.ย  I am sure there are lots of other amazing things she does, but this is all I can come up with at the moment! She really loves reading her Bible. It actually amazes me what a heart for God she already has. Twice yesterday we had this conversation:

Aliza:”What’s wrong mommy?”

Me: “Nothings wrong baby, why?”

Aliza: “Mommy not talking”

Me: “Oh, what do you want to talk about sweetie?”

Aliza: “Talk about Jesus, mommy tell story about Jesus!”

I just love it. It is a huge responsibility, but I accept it and I love it!

Anyway, Aliza is just lovely. She is so much fun to be with. She is thoughtful and compassionate. She is sassy and sometimes a little naughty, but she is usually quick to say she is sorry. She tells us she loves us and gives great group hugs. She loves her family. We are so blessed to have such involved aunties, uncles, grandmas and grandpas.

I absolutely love having my two little girls. They make my life and my heart so full. Sometimes it is hard and feels too busy and overwhelming-but I am so thankful for them. I am also so thankful I am not in this by myself! God gives me the strength to make it through the days and months with very little sleep, Scott gives me mornings to catch up on some of that missed sleep-as well as help and encouragement, the grandmas, my sisters and friends offer helpful words and willingness to watch the girls for me! I cannot imagine going through this season any other way. Amazing people to share in the joyful times and the difficult times. We are so blessed.

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